Gary Brogan Tractors

Tractor Filters

Clean air, oil, fuel and hydraulic fluid are critical to tractor performance. We carry in stock the leading heavy duty filter brands offering proven technology to protect your tractors and equipment in all operations. Preventive maintenance and correct filter changes will help maintain your equipment to the highest standards of performance and protection. With Baldwin, Fleetguard and Vapormatic heavy duty filters you are assured of reliable performance and maximum protection for the life of your tractor engine and fluid power system.

Air Filters

Proper air filtration is critical because a small amount of dirt can cause a tremendous amount of engine damage in a modern tractor, combine or silage harvester. Top quality air filters will help prolong system life by keeping damaging airborne contaminants away from sensitive engine components. Visit our shop in Newcastle West for replacement air filters for Landini and other popular tractor makes.

Bulk Tank Fuel Filters

Cim-Tek® Filtration is the world-wide leader in filtration technology for agricultural and bio-fuel applications, with over 50 years experience developing quality products while successfully maintaining their status as the innovator in fluid filtration. Cim-Tek® filters are designed for diesel, bio-fuels (biodiesel & ethanol), fuel oil, hydraulic and industrial fluids, gear oils and most synthetic fluids. For particulate contamination and water removal, Cim-Tek® filtration offers your best choice of options. We carry some of the popular Cim-Tek filter units and replacement fuel tank filters in our shop in Newcastle West.

Diesel Fuel Filters & Water Separators

Clean fuel like clean air is critical to engine performance. Today, even with the development of cleaner-burning diesel, contaminants and moisture are still a major concern when it comes to their impact on high pressure fuel injector systems. Our range of fuel filters and water separators from Baldwin, Fleetguard and Vapormatic protect sensitive fuel system components, such as injection pumps and common rail injectors, from damaging contaminants and water.

Oil Filters

Clean oil is vital to engine performance – dirty oil can cause catastrophic damage to your tractor engine. By using the correct oil filter for your engine you can minimise the possibility of costly down time and repairs. Contact us or visit our parts store in Newcastle West for Landini filters, Tumosan filters and Zetor filters and high quality OEM replacement oil filters for most popular tractor makes.

Contact Gary Brogan Tractors at 069-78942 or visit our parts store for the best quality filters to protect your tractor engines, air filter systems, coolant systems, hydraulic systems, transmissions and diesel fuel storage tanks.

Used Tractor or Other Parts Inquiry Form

Used Tractor or Other Parts Inquiry Form

If you’re looking for an older model tractor or classic tractor, we’ll help you find it. We can also find parts for almost any tractor on the Irish or UK market including classic tractors. Just fill in the details of the tractor or parts you need in the Used Tractor or Parts Inquiry form here.

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